Covid-19 Rescue Plan for Employers

Covic-19 Rescue Plan For Employers - feature img

Table of Contents

The following COVID-19 rescue plan information can be used by employers, managers and owners, and operations staff, in order to create a safe and healthy workplace for workers and clients during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Before resuming commercial operations, take a look at the building to see if it’s ready for occupancy

Covic-19 Rescue Plan For Employers - Open windows and doors

Open windows, doors and use fans where possible in order to increase the circulation of outdoor air as much as possible. Don’t open windows and entryways if doing so poses a security, or wellbeing, hazard for occupants.

Covic-19 Rescue Plan For Employers - asses building

Assess the building and its mechanical and life safety systems to decide whether or not the building is prepared for occupancy. Check for hazards and dangers related with delayed office shutdown such as stagnant water systems, rodents, pests, or mould growth, and take necessary remedial steps.

Covic 19 Rescue Plan For Employers Ventillation System

Ensure that all ventilation systems are operating correctly throughout the building. Review the ASHRAE Practice for the Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems for building heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems that have been setback or shut down.

Covic-19 Rescue Plan For Employers - asses water systems

Ensure all water systems, devices, and features are safe to use after a prolonged building shutdown, in order to reduce the risk of diseases linked with water such as Legionnaires’ disease.

Employers must identify how and where workers might be exposed to COVID-19 within the workplace, and provide a safe and healthy working environment.

Covic-19 Rescue Plan For Employers - staff contact

Locate areas where staff could have close contact with each other (within 2 meters), such as work and common areas, including break-out rooms, meeting rooms, reception areas, café areas etc.

Covic 19 Rescue Plan For Employers Risk Assesment

Perform a thorough risk assessment of the work environment in order to identify any potential hazards or risks that could increase the chances of transmitting the COVID-19 virus.

Covic-19 Rescue Plan For Employers - communicate to staff

Communication plans should be communicated to all members of staff including management, maintenance staff, temporary employees, janitorial staff etc.

Covic-19 Rescue Plan For Employers - contractors

If the building is visited by contractors, communication must be made with the contracting company in order to inform them of any amendments to work practices and what is required from the contractors in order to prevent the transmission of the COVID-19 virus.


Regular decontamination fogging cleans should be conducted at least once a month, or after a confirmed COVID-19 case, on all communal areas. Visit our fogging page or call us on 07538404471 to learn more about disinfection fogging cleans, and how to incorporate them into your monthly cleaning schedule.

Additional Information

For information in addition to this COVID-19 rescue plan, please see the following links:

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